a documentary by Melody Gilbert

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BEST OF FEST at MSPIFF and SOLD OUT screenings

The two SILICONE SOUL screenings (April 21, April 22) at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival have been extra special because most of the team members (Miles Painter- editor, Charlie McCarron - composer, Jesse Marks - sound mix, Beth Peloff & John Akre - animation) that worked on the documentary live there including our director, Melody Gilbert. Even our cinematographer, Igor Myakotin, who is based in NYC flew in for the screenings. The spirits were high, the screenings SOLD out, the Q&A's were fantastic, the audience receptive and open minded, director Melody Gilbert gave a TV interview for KARE 11   (see it bellow) and we were included in the BEST OF FEST list, getting the chance to screen SILICONE SOUL one more time (May 2). In short, we had the greatest time!